Like robbers stealing valuables, NTRO employees only targetting innovative citizens for memory theft

Though robbers who trespass into homes can steal anything in the home or office they enter, they will usually steal only valuables like jewelry , which is easy to carry, and sell, in exactly the same manner, ntro employees are stealing the memory of innovative citizens, which is easy to sell to large companies like google,tata which want the latest technology without paying salaries and other expenses.

Stealing the business related data of any business, like customer information, costing data, business plans is widely considered to be a crime in most countries worldwide and the thief is punished by law if the victim provides proof.

The theft of the memory of a harmless private citizen, is no different from the theft of business data because the human mind is similar to offline and digital storage media. Initially the vicious cruel cheater google,tata employees were extremely ruthless in defaming a harmless single woman engineer, domain investor without any legally valid proof, repeating the lies like parrots, and putting the engineer under surveillance trying to find non existent proof.

After 8 years, google,tata, ntro. raw,cbi employees cannot find any legally valid proof, yet they are stealing the memory regularly without offering any kind of compensation, causing great business losses, a clear case of intellectual property theft. So it is time that NTRO, indian government is honest about the fact that google,tata are openly involved in intellectual property theft of a small business owner, to avoid paying salaries and business expenses like domain registration, renewal expenses

Until the theft of memory ends the google competitor will not be able to lead a normal life, make any money online and offline. So the engineer has the legal right to complain that she is a victim of human rights abuses, discrimination because ntro in 2018 is stealing and selling only her memory regularly to google,tata, and others , not the memory of the 1.3 billion indian citizens or the male indian domain investors