Hatred, jealousy and greed not legally valid criteria for memory reading

India has a population of more than 1.3 billion, yet only a few citizens less than 1000 are subjected to memory reading for more than 5 years, which is a very great disadvantage for them, as they have no privacy of thought or memories.
The intelligence and security agency employees who are ordering the memory reading cannot be identified or held accountable, though they are causing great financial losses to a private citizen, making it extremely difficult for the person to have any kind of friendship or relationship . The indian constitution claims that all indian citizens have the right to equality, yet it is not officially declared what is the criteria for selecting certain citizens for memory reading.

The indian government does not have the right to steal her memory for more than 7 years, just because a harmless single woman
is investing money in domain names, , because domain registering is not considered to be a crime till date, there are many male domain investors in India with more domain names
had studied in a top engineering college, because none of her female classmates or other men, women are subjected to memory reading till date, why is she alone targetted for memory reading for more than 7 years since 2010
has saved some money for her old age, because there are many single men and women who have more assets, especially in the form of gold, land who are not labelled as a security threat.
Just because senior NTRO, CBI, security agency, google, tata employees hate her, why is the harmless single woman subjected to memory reading since 2010, when all other citizens are not subjected to non consensual memory reading.

Memory reading was used to cause losses to google competitor

NTRO is using a combination of memory reading and voice to skull technology for causing losses to a google competitor, wasting indian tax payer money in the process for 7 years since 2010. The maximum damage was caused in the period 2011-2014 , when the google competitor dropped almost all her aged domain names, causing great financial losses. Memory reading is used by NTRO to track the current activities of the google competitor, and then voice to skull technology is used to send messages from people who are pretending to help, when actually these messages are causing maximum losses
Initially the domain investor, made the mistake of trusting the voices, voice to skull technology, and dropped the aged domain names , thinking that she would get some kind of compensation or help, Instead she got nothing and dropped all the aged domain names reducing her advertising revenues greatly, as these officials cunningly took advantage of the fact that few were aware of the technology. Even now when she will check the ad sales, maximum sales are from aged domains , more than 7-10 years old, from new domains there are almost no link sales. It will take at least a few more years to rebuild the portfolio to the levels to make a good income,
The voices kept saying affiliate program, will purchase the domain names , yet after 7 years, no one is paying the market price of the domain names, they are only using the voice to skull technology to torture and causing losses, mental stress. They keep telling her to cancel anything that will make her money, however the domain investor has realized that the voices belong to the enemies, not to anyone trying to help, yet they are able to target and mentally torture her since 2010

Shivalli brahmin Goan gsb, obc bhandari fraud mafia defame harmless obc engineer to steal her memory

According to the indian constitution every citizen has the right to privacy and to earn a fair living, however since 2010 shameless powerful fraud Shivalli brahmin Goan gsb, goan obc bhandari fraud (related to slim goan obc bhandari R&AW employee SEX worker sunaina chodan 2013 bsc) mafia in indian intelligence and security agencies defame harmless obc engineer without any proof at all, to steal her memory without a legally valid reason, to get their mediocre lazy greedy fraud sex partners, relatives lucrative R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence jobs with the stolen memory, resume of the obc single woman engineer.
A huge amount of indian tax payer money has been wasted to slander an innocent harmless google competitor since 2010, and though no proof has been found since 2010, these sex maniac fraud indian government employees indulging in nepotism, refuse to admit their mistake and wish to continue with their fraud, memory reading for the rest of the life of the engineer, which cannot be tolerated,
When NTRO is not reading the memory of most citizens, why is the engineer, google competitor only selected for memory reading in India, without her permission, causing very great losses. In USA, there are many people like Matthew Klein who have more than 50,000 domains registered, CIA, NSA does not subject him to memory reading, then why is NTRO subjecting a google competitor in India to memory reading just because she has less than 1000 domains.
Almost all domains are for sale, paying the market price, why is trading in domain names considered to be a security threat in India, unlike other countries like USA, Japan,Indonesia, which do not harass domain investors, steal their memory, wasting tax payer money

NTRO memory reading breaching the indian constitution, right to equality

India officially claims that all indian citizens are equal, why is the memory of a obc single woman engineer, domain investor and google competitor alone stolen by NTRO employees , why google, tata sponsored goan sex workers and other frauds, google, tata employees getting access to her stolen memory for free, without her permission or offering any kind of compensation .
The obc engineer whose memory is stolen by NTRO employees does not get access to the memory of the NTRO employees or the R&AW/CBI employees who given the stolen memory for free , clearly indicating that the obc single woman engineer is a second class citizen, a slave whose memory is stolen by NTRO employees
The indian government should publicly specify the criteria for selecting indian citizens for memory reading, why only select citizens, especially the obc single woman engineer is selected for memory reading as the stolen memory is often used to extort money when shopping, cause losses to her online business, as the officials are sabotaging anything that is making a profit, misleading domain buyers worldwide

Memory reading, voice to skull technology used to make life hell

It is now confirmed that the indian government is using memory reading , voice to skull technology on indian citizens, often to make their life hell. For example for a google competitor , the memory reading is used to send negative unpleasant messages depending on what she has read or spotted . So working on a computer or watching television has become an unpleasant experience, as these officials are always sending negative messages, The domain investor was also denied almost all information,isolated, so she forced herself to look for messages in everything. This was further exploited to send misleading and unpleasant messages to cause further mental stress.
The memory reading is used to check whether the message had a positive or negative effect.
If it had a negative effect, the officials will again try to create the negative effect again
Though the domain investor is training herself to ignore the messages , it can be a very difficult task, as the messages are very omnipresent, usually some kind of programming is being used, keeping track of positive and negative messages
Now only gardening and looking after pets can help escape the mental torture using wireless technologies.

Unlike NTRO, NSA does not read memory of domain investors

India claims to be a democracy like the united states , however NTRO, CBI and indian government agencies are completely controlled by corrupt, greedy cruel corporates like google, tata who are worse than Nazis in their endless atrocities on indian citizens, domain investors, subjecting them to non consensual human experimentation like that on Jews in Nazi Germany. One of the worst experiments of tata, google, NTRO is the memory reading for human cloning conducted on a google competitor since 2010.
In USA, many citizens like Matthew Klein have more than 50,000 domains according to publicly available whois data , yet NSA does not waste tax payer money reading his memory, defaming him, circulating his photo and memories to companies and individuals worldwide to defame him. On the other hand, top NTRO employees like puneet, j srinivasan, goan gsb fraud mafia of caro, nayak, mandrekar are like parrots owned repeating the malicious stories which their owners in google, tata are telling them to repeat, and stealing the memory of harmless indian citizens, especially domain investors, for google, tata sponsored goan sex workers,sunaina, siddhi cheater housewives and other frauds falsely claiming national security.
This clearly indicates NTRO, India is like the weak enemies of Israel where indian intelligence and security agencies waste most of their time and resources harassing harmless citizens , allowing foreign countries like Pakistan create problems in kashmir

Lawyer/human rights activist required to end memory reading of harmless indian citizens

Lawyer/human rights activist required to end non consensual memory reading of harmless indian citizens, engineers by NTRO, CBI, indian intelligence and security agencies which is a breach of their fundamental right to privacy, to live with dignity and to earn a fair living .
Since 2010 NTRO, CBI, indian intelligence and security agencies have been making completely fake allegations without any proof at all, against the harmless single woman engineer, domain investor and have read her memory without her permission or offering any kind of compensation, falsely claiming national security, tax evasion. After 7 years, these indian government employees have not found any legally valid proof, yet are not stopping memory reading, causing great financial losses to her. Brain wave, mind reading technology has been discussed in the media, however the indian government has officially acknowledged how citizens are being selected for mind reading without their permission.
Looking for a lawyer who can file a PIL on behalf of indian citizens asking the government to explain why only some citizens are being selected for mind reading, the list of non criminals subjected to mind reading , what kind of compensation the government is offering to those whose memory has been read for some years without their permission, to compensate for the loss of income, what is being done with the stolen memory

Google, tata sponsored R&AW/CBI employees steal the memory of google competitor for identity theft

NTRO is openly working for companies like google,tata and is using a combination of memory reading and voice to skull technology for causing losses to a google competitor, wasting indian tax payer money in the process for 7 years since 2010 in a clear case of non consensual human experimentation
The stolen memory of the google competitor is then transferred to the google,tata sponsored R&AW/;CBI employees goan SEX workers slim goan obc bhandari call girl sunaina 2013 bsc , goan gsb fraud siddhi mandrekar and other frauds like riddhi nayak, nayanshree hatwhar, naina, veena and other frauds faking a btech 1993 ee degree to get a monthly indian government salary without offering any kind of compensation to the google competitor, clearly breaching her fundamental right to equality and justice, to privacy and to earn a fair living,
India has a population of more than 1.3 billion, why is the google competitor alone subjected to memory reading without her permission, or offering any kind of compensation, unlike other indian citizens, who can keep their memory secret

Fat Reduction Done Without Needles

I had some excess body fat that needed to go, and I was willing to try anything to get rid of it. People always told me that I should try diet and exercise plans, but those were so hard for me and they didn't work at all. Not to mention that those plans take a long time to produce results. I wanted something that would be a little quicker and wouldn't put as much stress on my body as exercise. I heard about Cool Sculpting in Austin, and it seemed like the best option for me.

This particular technique doesn't involve any kind of surgery or needles like a liposuction treatment, which I liked because I absolutely despise needles. I dread having to get shots every year because of this. The treatment uses low temperatures to cool the body's fat cells. The body then reabsorbs this fat and it goes away, producing a slimmer body. I was ready to make an appointment and get the procedure done, but my friends kept trying to talk me out of it. Continue reading Fat Reduction Done Without Needles

Trump, Google, NTRO, patriotism and memory reading

Many indian IT companies will lose revenues because Trump decided that jobs in USA should go to US citizens . The leaders of USA are patriotic and want the best for their country, which is the reason why USA is the richest and most powerful country in the world. On the other hand indian leaders and top government employees , especially NTRO, CBI employees are extremely unpatriotic treacherous frauds and are making harmless indian citizens, slaves of US companies like google, stealing their memory without any compensation
Usually to get access to the memory, research of a competitor, google would either purchase the company or hire the employees of the competitor, in the case of india's largest female domain investor, google has manipulated the sex starved shameless section 420 fraud ntro employees by supplying sex workers sunaina, siddhi or getting jobs for their relatives and friends with fake resumes, fake investment, fake work.
For 7 years, since 2010, the unpatriotic ntro employees freelancing for google, tata have stolen the memory of a harmless google competitor, domain investor without her permission and shared it with google, tata, internet and other companies, without offering any kind of compensation, making her work as a slave . It is time, that NTRO explains why only select indian citizens are being targetted for memory reading without their permission.