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In a clear indication of how ruthless the 10 google, tata sponsored fraud raw/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree especially the indore document robber veena, deepika are in harming the google competitor, engineer whose resume they have stolen, since April 2018, the engineer has been subjected to food poisoning repeatedly
Like in the sheena bora murder case, the google competitor is put under surveillance, memory reading is used for food poisoning
Some of the food poisoning incidents
– the google competitor purchased some fish curry at an exhibition and was subjected to a very severe bout of food poisoning
– eating blueberries purchased from a lady in panaji market
– in a third incident, the food items which she wanted to purchase , were opened and closed again after allegedly adding a harmful subsstance, so after the food poisoning incidents, she did not purchase the food item
This indicates that memory reading is not for national security, only for food poisoning and causing health problems