NTRO/security agencies bribed to use radiation weapons to damage the prefrontal cortex of goa 1989 jee topper to destroy her short term memory

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In a clear indication of the unethical tactics of the sundar pichai led google, tata to help google destroy competition, the NTRO/security agencies especially in goa, were bribed to use radiation weapons to damage the prefrontal cortex of goa 1989 jee topper to destroy her short term memory for more than 8 years
The short term memory is linked to prefrontal cortex of the human brain, and ntro/security agencies were bribed by the 10 google, tata sponsored raw/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree like greedy thane fraudster gujju STOCK BROKER asmita patel, riddhi nayak caro, sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, nayanshree hathwar, indore robber deepika to stalk the domain investor and damage the prefrontal cortex of the harmless single woman engineer for near 9 years from 2010 to 2019
This brain damage caused by cruel well paid indian government agencies was then used to conveniently steal the retirement savings of the goa 1989 jee topper while traveling
Before causing brain damage, the robber ntro employees led by mhow monster puneet, j srinivasan, parmar, also robbed all the memories of the domain investor and copypasted the ROBBED MEMORIES on the brains of their sugar babies and sex service provider raw/cbi employees like robber riddhi nayak caro, sunaina chodan, naina chandan, siddhi mandrekar, asmita patel, and are falsely claiming that the ROBBED MEMORIES belongs to google, tata supplied call girls,cheater, robber housewives and other frauds when medical testing will legally prove that all the memories are robbed

Memory reading used to make food poisoning attempts in panaji, goa

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In a clear indication of how ruthless the 10 google, tata sponsored fraud raw/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree especially the indore document robber veena, deepika are in harming the google competitor, engineer whose resume they have stolen, since April 2018, the engineer has been subjected to food poisoning repeatedly
Like in the sheena bora murder case, the google competitor is put under surveillance, memory reading is used for food poisoning
Some of the food poisoning incidents
– the google competitor purchased some fish curry at an exhibition and was subjected to a very severe bout of food poisoning
– eating blueberries purchased from a lady in panaji market
– in a third incident, the food items which she wanted to purchase , were opened and closed again after allegedly adding a harmful subsstance, so after the food poisoning incidents, she did not purchase the food item

This indicates that memory reading is not for national security, only for food poisoning and causing health problems

Why is ntro not reading/stealing memory of rohitgoyal who owns 1000 domains?


Since 2010, ntro employees led by the cheater puneet, j srinivasan, have stolen the memory of a harmless engineer, google competitor, falsely labelling her a security threat only because she owns some domain names . However there are many male indian domain investors who are having more domain names and are not subjected to memory reading or other similar human rights abuses in a clear case of discrimination
For example in the namepros thread ,
https://www.namepros.com/threads/small-case-study-on-hand-registering-domains-in-bulk.1079005/#rohitgoyal has openly stated that he owns 1000 domains, and he recently registered 200 .com domains at a time . The google competitor has only approximately 500 domains, far less than rohitgoyal, yet she alone is selectively targetted for memory reading, theft, causing great losses, health problems, insomnia for more than 8 years, in a clear case of discrimination

Can ntro employees led by brahmin cheater puneet explain in an open debate why male indian domain investors are not subjected to memory reading despite owning 1000 domains, while a harmless single woman engineer owning less domains, a private citizen is subjected to memory reading/ theft causing great losses.

Memories can make a cheating victim angry

The NTRo employees are intentionally taunting the domain investor about their resume, savings, correspondnence theft fraud, to make her angry, wasting her time and money, affecting her health. They are aware that when a fraud victim is reminded of the fraud in any way, he or she is likely to become upset . The book Break up clinic by Dr Govind Sharma was an excellent example of how cheating victims are angry,with the person who has cheated them, especially when reminded of them,
Now the serial Bepanah, is another example of how Aditya Hooda whose wife Pooja Hooda has cheated him, is angry and upset repeatedly at how his wife who he was so fond of, cheated him and had an extra marital affair, gave his money to her boyfriend
In a similar manner, bengaluru shivalli brahmin R&AW employee cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar has cheated the domain investor of Rs 1.1 lakh and the fraud ntro employee puneet, who is like pooja hooda, has cheated the domain investor falsely claiming that his lazy greedy girlfriend, nayanshree who is not spending any money on domain names, not doing any work online, owns this website and other domains, to get the fraud nayanshree a R&AW job at the expense of the domain investor

Now just to make the domain investor angry, these cheater ntro employees are using voice to skull technology to taunt the cheating victim, the domain investor, ON, online nayanshree, indicating that they will falsely give the fraud nayanshree credit, a R&AW salary for whatever work her victim is doing, to further humiliate, cheat and exploit the domain investor.
The google, tata sponsored bengaluru shivalli brahmin R&AW employee cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, wife of a tata power special electronics division employee, is having an extra marital affair with the light eyed brahmin fraud ntro employee puneet, who is aware of the fact that his girlfriend, is only looking after her house and family, not doing any work online , yet is making fake claims exploiting the domain investor to make her angry, defaming her

Similarly the ntro employees are taunting the domain investor how they will falsely claim that google, tata supplied goan sex worker R&AW employees slim goan bhandari sunaina chodan 2013 bsc, siddhi mandrekar whose sex services they are enjoying, and other fraud raw/cbi employees, who never answered JEE, were their btech 1993 ee classmate to get all these lazy greedy frauds, a monthly government salary at the expense of the domain investor

In both the book and serial, people understand the anger of the cheating victim as it is normal, however when the domain investor is complaining about the fraud, she is falsely accused of being a security threat, mentally unsound. When it is normal for a cheating victim to be very angry for some time , why is the domain investor an exception

Fraud victim subjected to memory theft for 8 years in another indication of ntro atrocities

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India has a population of more than 1.3 billion, yet only a harmless google competitor, single woman has been subjected to memory reading , theft without her permission, offering any kind of compensation, without a legally valid reason for more than 8 years in a clear case of human rights abuses, DISCRIMINATION, causing great financial losses.

Additionally the cruel fraud ntro employees led by the brahmin fraud light eyed domlur director puneet are repeatedly taunting her with the remark memory commons – to indicate that the cruel fraud animal like ntro employees are not satisfied with the endless atrocities they have inflicted on the harmless single woman engineer, they will continue to steal her memory without her permission, causing great financial losses in a clear case of terrible human rights abuses, on a harmless private citizen, to increase the profit of fraud companies like google, tat

So the ntro employees are extremely vicious in taunting and mentally torturing the google competitor, whose resume, savings, memory, correspondence they have already stolen, trying to cause more mental stress.
Making the engineer and google competitor, angry and upset, sick has become a game for the cruel sex worker, fraud pampering ntro employees wasting crores of indian tax payer money in the process.

Google competitor subjected to memory reading causing insomnia again

India claims to be a democracy where all citizens have equal rights, however in a clear example of rampant human rights abuses, a harmless google competitor was repeatedly subjected to memory reading on January 25, 2018 causing insomnia , making it difficult for her to sleep at night.
India has a population of more than 1.3 billion, however in a clear case of discrimination, indian government employees bribed by google, tata with money, jobs, sex, are wasting indian tax payer money to steal her memory without her permission, without offering any compensation, causing financial losses and also making it difficult to sleep at night, intentionally waking her up at night, ruining her health, reputation
Any details like name,designation of government employees involved in the torture will be greatly appreciated

Memory reading used to make it easier for trespassers to enter google competitors house

It is now clear that national security, black money , money laundering are not the reason, why the memory of the google competitor is stolen without a legally valid reason, it is mainly to harass, cheat and exploit her to the maximum extent possible.
For example when she went to a shop to purchase a lock, trying to end the criminal trespassing, they had many locks, however they only offered expensive locks of europa and some other brand, both costing more than Rs 500 each.
Though the locks were expensive,, they were not brand new, they appeared to be used
The sellers appeared to be gujrati, and memory reading was used to ask them to stock the expensive lock.
Having been already cheated and exploited by the gujju fraud parmar who stole her resume for his school dropout girlfriend naina to get naina a cbi job, the google competitor decided not to waste her hard earned money further trusting the well networked gujjus, and preferred to purchase cheaper locks

Mental torture methods using voice to skull technology, memory reading

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After being harassed, mentally tortured for 7 years, reading the story of Harlan Girard in Washington Post again shows how regressive the indian media is, unwilling to tell the true news of the mental torture indian citizens are being subjected to in a scientific manner. Washington Post had carried a very detailed story on the voice to skull technology being used on some american citizens in 2007, and nearly a decade later , no indian news outlet had the courage or honesty to carry the true story of how some indian citizens are being mentally tortured using voice to skull technology
It correctly mentions that complaining to the police will not help as they will suggest a health checkup and only fellow citizens who are being tortured in a similar manner will provide some support.
It also indicated that those with some knowledge of electrical engineering will be able to figure out what is happening as the victims are repeatedly told to contact the electrical engineering department of the college where they are studying

Memory reading of google competitor shows that indian citizens do not have equal rights

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Instead of trying to help and compensate a harmless google competitor who was shamelessly defamed without any proof,cheated and exploited by the corrupt dishonest fraud R&AW, CBI, NTRO, security agency employees since 2010, these indian government employees prove that they are true animals in human form, their bestiality and lack of humanity when they shamelessly and ruthlessly steal the memory of the harmless google competitor without a legally valid reason, without her permission or legally valid reason since 2010 so they can enjoy lifetime free sex with google, tata sponsored goan sex worker R&AW employees sunaina, siddhi, get bribes and jobs for their mediocre lazy greedy fraud relatives and friends who no one else would employ.
India has a population of more than 1.3 billion, there are many indian citizens, mainly men, who own far more domains compared to the google competitor, yet the indian government, SEX, money bribe taking ntro, security agency employees are only stealing the memory of the harmless obc bhandari single woman engineer so that they can get money bribes and enjoy free SEX with google, tata sponsored goan sex worker R&AW employees especially slim goan obc bhandari sex worker sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc who the fraud ntro employees claim was their btech 1993 ee classmate as reward for their sex services.
The sex starved shameless fraud ntro employees do not harass male indian domain investors, because they cannot steal their resume to enjoy free sex with google, tata sponsored goan sex worker R&AW employees sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, though income tax returns will prove that the google, tata sponsored sex worker R&AW employees and others pampered by ntro do not spend any money on domain names and are least interested in doing so,

Memory reading of harmless google competitor proves the cruelty, hypocrisy, lack of humanity of brahmins as predicted by winston churchill

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The british prime minister winston churchill said that india should not be given independence because the brahmins are cruel, greedy selfish hypocrites lacking in humanity who treat fellow indians worse than animals and it would be cruel to leave india without any controls on the brahmins . Nearly a century later the Cruel inhuman Brahmin NTRO, google, tata employees like hathwar, kodancha, puneet, j srinivasan, nayak, caro, mandrekar are proving winston'churchill's prediction of the extreme cruelty, HYPOCRISY, DISHONESTY, GREEDINESS, FRAUD , lack of humanity of brahmins to be 100% accurate with their never ending atrocities.

The section 420 fraud brahmin officials taking sex and money bribes from frauds like indore document robber R&AW employee veena, goan obc bhandari R&AW employee sex worker sunaina chodan and others are allowed to use voice to skull technology to taunt the obc engineer whose resume, investment they have stolen that she is a animal, pet when the top NTRO, CBI, R&AW, security agency employees are the real SEX , MONEY ANIMALS, completely lacking in humanity, who are purchased by google, tata and are repeating the lies which their owners in google, tata have told them to like parrots since 2010

Memory reading aof a harmless obc bhandari single woman engineer, google competitor without a legally valid reason since 2010 proved the cruelty , hypocrisy and lack of humanity of brahmins which winston churchill correctly predicted. In addition to making her a slave, denying the google competitor her fundamental right to make a fair living as the stolen memory is given to large companies like google, tata for free, the memory reading causes insomnia daily as the brain cells are activated to steal her memory . India has a population of more than 1.3 billion and there are many male domain investors owning more domains than the google competitor, yet only the memory of the google competitor is stolen regularly by NTRO employees, causing great financial losses in a clear case of discrimination and atrocities on women professionals.

Again on 9 October 2017, the google competitor and obc bhandari single woman engineer, was subjected to memory reading at night by the cruel shivalli brahmins hathwar, kodancha (who have been bribed with a R&AW job for their cheater relative bengaluru housewife nayanshree hathwar by google, tata ), making it difficult to sleep at night.