Criminal robber NTRO employees steal memory of google competitor, falsely claim it belongs to google,tata supplied goan prostitute, fraud R&AW/cbi employees

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Advertisements posted only to domain renewal expenses. Kindly note that all advertisements are provided by ad networks, the domain investor does not deal with any advertiser directly. Advertising is the only way free content can be provided, since webhosting, domain renewal fees have to be paid every year, and the domain investor does not get help from any government or other agency since ntro falsely claims that websites of private citizens belong the goan bhandari CALL GIRL r&aw employee sunaina chodan, who offers them sex services and other google, tata sponsored sex service provider, cheater, robber, fraud raw/cbi employees like robber riddhi nayak caro who do not spend any money on domains . The ad network reduces ads if any ads are rejected, so to pay domain renewal fees ads are copy pasted. Due to extremely poor internet connectivity in panaji, goa, the websites advertised cannot be checked

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In the never ending google, tata masterminded PROSTITUTION, BRIBERY RACKET, financial fraud on the google competitor since 2010, the criminal ROBBER SEX ANIMAL bribe taking ntro employees led by mhow cheater puneet, j srinivasan, parmar, vijay are stealing the memory of the google competitor without a legally valid reason, without any compensation and then falsely claiming that the stolen memory belongs to the 10 google,tata supplied goan prostitute, fraud R&AW/cbi employees who did not answer JEE, yet are faking a btech 1993 ee degree to get a monthly raw/cbi salary at the expense of the google competitor

Memory reading is causing a lot of problems like financial losses, payment blocking and insomnia , yet in a major fraud and human rights abuses case, the fraud liar cheater ntro employees are ROBBING the memory of the google competitor almost daily , and are falsely claiming that the stolen memory belongs to the goan prostitutes siddhi supplied by google,tata to ntro employees for sex and other frauds like riddhi nayak, naina, nayanshree hathwar, veena , asmita patel, ruchika and other fraud raw/cbi employees so that these frauds get a monthly indian government salary at the expense of the broke google competitor

If the shameless section 420 fraud ntro employees had the honesty to admit that they are stealing the memory of the google competitor , she would have got some compensation, however the ROBBER ntro employees are not only stealing her memory, they are refusing to acknowledge the google competitor whose memory they have ROBBED regularly since 2010, bribed by google, tata

Memory theft causes insomnia regularly adversely affecting productivity

Instead of reducing their memory robber of a harmless google competitor without a court order or legally valid reason, without any compensation after the hypocrisy was exposed, the cruel fraud ntro employees have only increased their memory robbery of the google competitor, part of the endless human rights abuses of ntro to cover up their sex, bribery racket, banking, financial fraud
On 27 July 2018, the NTRO memory robbery of the google competitor continued for 4 hours, making it almost impossible for the google competitor to get any sleep between 12 midnight and 4 am
The insomnia then adversely affects the productivity, making it difficult to remember anything and plan for the future.

The google competitor is also forced to sleep during the day, to make up for the loss of sleep at night due to NTRO memory robbery, wasting her time and is not compensated for the loss of income

Cruel fraud sex animal brahmin NTRO employees would never steal and broadcast the memory of their daughters, sisters, wife and mother

One of the most shocking aspect of the google , tata masterminded, sex, bribery racket , financial, banking, memory theft fraud on the google competitor is the complete lack of humanity and the double standards of the cruel fraud ntro employees led by the mhow cheater puneet, j srinivasan who are stealing the memory of their harmless btech 1993 ee classmate without a legally valid reason to enjoy FREE LIFETIME SEX with google,tata supplied goan prostitute raw employees, get money bribes and career help from the fraud officials whose relatives have got raw/cbi jobs

Just because the google competitor has invested some money in domain names, the cruel fraud ntro employees led by the mhow cheater puneet, j srinivasan think that stealing the memory of the google competitor and sharing it with everyone worldwide is their birthright, refusing to acknowledge the fact that it is a clear case of discrimination, human rights abuses on a harmless private citizen, causing her great financial losses

The ntro employees are not stealing the memory of male indian domain investors and broadcasting it worldwide, so why is the google competitor, a harmless single woman engineer, google competitor, domain investor only targetted for endless memory theft since 2010 by ntro without a legally valid reason, without her permission and without any compensation. The regular memory theft also makes it very difficult for her to trust anyone, have any kind of relationship rftft .

The cruel hypocrite dishonest liar NTRO employees would never steal and broadcast the memory of their daughters, sisters, wife, real girlfriends and mother to the whole world, without their permission, without a legally valid reason, without offering any kind of compensation, so can these mainly brahmin sex animal ntro employees justify in an open debate why the harmless google competitor, engineer, a private citizen , alone, is made a guinea pig for their non consensual human experimentation without a legally valid reason, why NTRO employees are ROBBING her memory a crime under section 378 of the indian penal code?

Regular Memory ROBBERY by criminal fraud bribe taking ntro employees increases google profit

The sex, bribe taking ntro employees are stealing the memory of a harmless google competitor without a court order, legally valid reason , without her permission, without offering any kind of compensation, so that the sundar pichai led google does not have to pay salaries and business expenses ,gets access to all the research and expertise of a google competitor for free since 2010 in one of the worst cases of human rights abuses in the world

The hardworking google competitor had a better 1989 jee rank than google ceo sundar pichai and if google had any ethics, it would have to pay a very high salary to the google competitor for her expertise, experience and qualification . however the fraud google has collaborated with the animal like mhow cheater ntro employeet puneet who faked his relationship with the google competitor, falsely claiming to help her when stealing the memory of the private citizen, google competitor.,

Instead unethical google bribes the cruel selfish sex animal ntro employees led by mhow cheater puneet ,with goan prostitutes sunaina , siddhi, money to illegally steal the memory of harmless google competitors so that google can reduce business expenses, it does not have to hire employees , pay them salaries,it just steals the memory of google competitors with the help of the robber NTRO employees

India has a population of more than 1.3 billion, why is NTRO only stealing the memory of the google competitor without a legally valid reason, denying her the fundamental right to earn a fair living, can the indian government, NTRO explain in an open debate?

Fake allegations, fake relationship, fake help used to justify memory theft of google competitor

In a clear indication of how unethical and dishonest indian it and internet companies are completely fake allegations, fake relationship and fake help are used by the cunning fraud ntro employees to justify the theft of the memory , intellectual property, savings and correspondence of the google competitor since 2010, causing great financial losses.

Times of India had an article where officials stated that memory theft, brain wave reading was mainly used on criminals, and though the google competitor was innocent, the cunning fraud brahmin ntro employee puneet and others bribed their fraud friends to make completely fake allegations against the google competitor without any proof, so that that they could steal her memory for the rest of her life without any legally valid reason, without any compensation.

Usually every person who is accused of cheating and other crimes will know the name of the person who is making the allegations, the crimes he or she is accused of ,and also given an opportunity to defend himself or herself, so that the person can prove that he or she is innocent if the allegations are completely fake.

However in one of the greatest frauds, cases of exploitation, the cunning mhow cheater ntro employee puneet, was allowed to fake his relationship with the google competitor, so that she could divert and steal all information, and the google competitor was never given any opportunity to defend herself against the completely fake allegations, which she usually could easily do. The fraud puneet had never contacted the google competitor, engineer, yet he falsely claimed to know her very well, was helping her and acting on her behalf

When some frauds making fake allegations without any proof got rewarded by the cunning cheater puneet, others also started making fake allegations without any proof at all, to get quick money, Yet the cunning cheater ntro employee puneet used the completely fake allegations to defame, cheat and exploit the harmless google competitor, subject her to the most terrible human rights abuses, especially memory theft, steal her retirement savings , identity without a court order or legally valid reason

In 2018, it is clear that if the powerful cunning mhow cheater ntro employee puneet had not faked his relationship, no one would have made any fake allegations against the google competitor who they had not interacted with, as she could easily prove the fact, and her life would not be ruined. So when the fraud ntro employee have diverted and stolen the information of his friends making fake defamatory allegations from the google competitor, not allowing her to defend herself, why is the google competitor, engineer, expected to make sacrifices for the rest of her life , can anyone explain in an open debate

5 legally valid reasons why memory reading of google competitor, engineer should be stopped immediately

For 8 years since 2010, bribed by google,tata, ntro employees led by the mhow cheater puneet, j srinivasan, parmar have been ruthlessly stealing the memory of the google competitor making flimsy excuses which are listed below
– having black money, money laundering, cheating in 8 years they have not found any proof to send an income tax notice or of cheating, so on what basis are they making these allegations. Usually in one to three years they find proof
– being a security threat for saving money, all her ex engineering colleagues have far more money, are more frugal
– being a security threat for owning domain names, there are male domain investors with more number of domains, more expensive domains, they are not subjected to memory reading, the domains are listed for sale, they are only an investment
– being considered for a government job or assignment, no longer valid
– being a friend of government employees, not true, these status conscious frauds have never and will never communicate with her, after defaming her for years circulating photos and videos

So from the above , it is clear, that the ntro employees have no legally valid reason for stealing the memory of the harmless law abiding google competitor, engineer other than personal hatred, greed, intellectual property theft , as the stolen memory is sold to google,tata who do not wish to pay salaries, consultancy fees, business expenses, they only offer money, sex , job bribes to ntro employees who steal the memory of harmless hardworking risk taking small business owners, without their permission, without offering any kind of compensation

the theft of memory of the google competitor since 2010 is a clear case of human rights abuses, denial of fundamental rights, the right to privacy, and to earn a fair living, has destroyed her personal and professional life, caused great financial losses
Can ntro employees justify in an open debate why she is not treated like other indian citizens who have all their fundamental rights

Memory of a person is his or her intellectual property

Any business develops intellectual property after spending time and money on research, and other activities, Similar any individual develops a memory after spending time and money on some activities, and is his or her intellectual property which can help him or her earn a living. Highly qualified and experienced professionals are paid well for the advice they offer, in 2018, the indian government is like nazi germany stealing the memory of some indian citizens without a legally valid reason, without offering any kind of compensation to the victim

However in a major fraud of NTRO, indian government, ntro is stealing the memory, intellectual property of some private citizens without their permission, without a legally valid reason and without offering any compensation to the victim, taking advantage of the fact that the mainstream indian media does not cover the human rights abuses. This stolen memory is then sold by the greedy fraud animal like ntro employees to greedy fraud companies like google,tata and others who do not want to spend any money on salaries, expenses, get access to the best minds free of cost

Usually if a person is suspected of anything, the person is put under surveillance for only a few years, and if no evidence is found, the surveillance is removed. However in the case of the google competitor, engineer, though no evidence has been found for more than 8 years because greedy criminal fraud companies like google,tata want her memory for free , NTRO is stealing her memory and gifting it to google,tata to help them make money , in a clear case of how large companies are stealing the intellectual property of harmless small business owners in India with the help of corrupt indian government agencies like ntro

Some time ago, times of india carried an article on memory reading technology and the government officials involved claimed that it was mainly used on criminals. However in reality, in 2018, the indian government, ntro is stealing the memory of harmless private citizens, engineers from top colleges, small business owners without offering any kind of compensation in a clear case of theft of intellectual property , and selling it to fraud companies like google,tata which do not wish to pay salaries and are finding this memory theft racket of experienced hardworking risk taking engineers very lucrative

Officially the liar cheater ntro employees are falsely claiming that their lazy greedy inexperienced mediocre girlfriends, relatives, mistresses like goan bhandari prostitute sunaina chodan 2013 bsc from goa university , have the impressive resume including btech 1993 ee degree, investment of the google competitor, single woman engineer with a good JEE rank, to get all these lazy fraud women lucrative R&AW/cbi jobs with monthly salary. These fraud ntro employees are also falsely claiming that the memory of these raw/cbi employees is being read and shared, however in reality, they are stealing the memory of a private citizen, google competitor, engineer and domain investor, who is not being compensated in any way for the theft of her memory by google,tata, ntro and other organization .

So in 2018, the ntro employees led by mhow cheater puneet, j srinivasan stealing the identity, memory of harmless google competitor, engineer without a legally valid reason regularly are no different from hackers stealing important business data, burglars breaking into a house and stealing jewelry and other valuables, only the indian government is refusing to acknowledge that the theft is taking place

Any other individuals whose memory is stolen by NTRO regularly can send an email to, so that a PIL can be filed to end the theft

Like robbers stealing valuables, NTRO employees only targetting innovative citizens for memory theft

Though robbers who trespass into homes can steal anything in the home or office they enter, they will usually steal only valuables like jewelry , which is easy to carry, and sell, in exactly the same manner, ntro employees are stealing the memory of innovative citizens, which is easy to sell to large companies like google,tata which want the latest technology without paying salaries and other expenses.

Stealing the business related data of any business, like customer information, costing data, business plans is widely considered to be a crime in most countries worldwide and the thief is punished by law if the victim provides proof.

The theft of the memory of a harmless private citizen, is no different from the theft of business data because the human mind is similar to offline and digital storage media. Initially the vicious cruel cheater google,tata employees were extremely ruthless in defaming a harmless single woman engineer, domain investor without any legally valid proof, repeating the lies like parrots, and putting the engineer under surveillance trying to find non existent proof.

After 8 years, google,tata, ntro. raw,cbi employees cannot find any legally valid proof, yet they are stealing the memory regularly without offering any kind of compensation, causing great business losses, a clear case of intellectual property theft. So it is time that NTRO, indian government is honest about the fact that google,tata are openly involved in intellectual property theft of a small business owner, to avoid paying salaries and business expenses like domain registration, renewal expenses

Until the theft of memory ends the google competitor will not be able to lead a normal life, make any money online and offline. So the engineer has the legal right to complain that she is a victim of human rights abuses, discrimination because ntro in 2018 is stealing and selling only her memory regularly to google,tata, and others , not the memory of the 1.3 billion indian citizens or the male indian domain investors

Indian government gifts stolen memory of experienced engineers to google,tata supplied goan prostitute, fraud raw/cbi employees

India is technologically backward and the largest importer of defence equipment mainly because of the google,tata masterminded policy of the indian government in 2018 of stealing the identity of experienced engineers from the best colleges for google,tata supplied goan prostitute,document robber, cheater housewife and other fraud raw/cbi employees who did not answer JEE , work as engineers

The indian government agencies like ntro are also stealing the memory of the engineer whose identity they have already stolen, without her permission , offering any compensation, and without a legally valid reason. The stolen memory of the engineer is gifted to the google,tata supplied goan prostitute sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar,document robber, cheater housewife veena and other fraud raw/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree so that the sex, bribery racket, financial, banking fraud is not exposed.

the indian government fails to realize that stealing the memory of experienced engineers to gift indian and goan government, R&AW, NTRO, cbi, nsa, cia favorite goan prostitute, fraud R&AW employee will not make these goan sex workers,frauds engineers and exporters overnight, they will remain excellent prostitutes with google,tata employees as pimps . The experienced engineer is held a virtual prisoner, so that the sex, bribery racket., banking fraud is not exposed , her experience, education, skills, are all wasted,along with a huge amount of indian tax money.

The indian government which values goan prostitutes, school dropouts and other google,tata sponsored frauds more than experienced engineers , is forced to depend on and import expensive defence equipment from far smaller countries like israel, italy, france, england as the prostitute raw employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree are too busy offering sex services to top government employees to develop any technology . What do MPs, ministers have to say ?