Though PAN numbers do not match, raw/cbi employees continue their MEMORY ROBBERY for impersonation, getting government salaries

Income tax returns again legally prove the business ownership fraud of the high status banking fraudster raw/cbi employees like panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro openly using MEMORY ROBBERY for making fake claims
One of the reasons why cybercrime levels in india are very high, is because top tech and internet companies , government agencies are openly involved in cybercrime, financial fraud, government SLAVERY since 2010.
Though the high status banking fraudster raw/cbi employees like panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan, greedy gujju stock trader amita patel have never opened their own paypal, bank account,do not purchase domains, pay expenses, due to the extremely high levels of financial fraud, corruption in india, they continue to make fake claims of domain, business ownership and get monthly government salaries.
To cover up the financial fraud, fake rumors are spread that the business belongs to government employees, especially allegedly from the btech 1993 ee class of iit bombay, when the government employees HATE the online business owner, criminally defame her.
The income returns filed in 2023,again legally prove the business ownership fraud of the high status banking fraudster raw/cbi employees like panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, , and though the pan number of the online business does not match india's DISHONEST CHEATER LIAR top tech and internet companies continue to reward shameless cheater fraud raw/cbi employees especially panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan who have never done any computer work at all.

Though the address of domain fraudster raw/cbi employees do not match they continue with their memory robbery

Indicating the high levels of corruption in india, Though the address of domain fraudster raw/cbi employees do not match that of the domain investor, they continue with their memory robbery to make fake claims and get a monthly government salary at the expense of the real domain investor.
It is an indication of the high levels of financial fraud, that the tech and internet companies continue to support the domain fraudster raw/cbi employees in their resume robbery, identity theft, impersonation fraud despite the address mismatch.
It is an indication of widespread rot in indian society, government that high status married women like panaji goan gsb fraud housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree, wife of fraud tata power employee guruprasad and other frauds like siddhi mandrekar are allowed to impersonate, rob the resume of a single woman engineer who they HATE, CRIMINALLY DEFAME, no one is asking why these married cheater raw/cbi employees are not using their own resume, savings, why they are FAKING a btech 1993 ee degree from iit bombay, their resume and savings to get a monthly government salary describes national secret service atrocities on citizens

It appears that a large number of citizens worldwide are harassed by national secret services using electronic weapons, gang stalking
These include wireless weapons to cause insomnia, rob memory using brain wave reading technology describes national secret service atrocities on citizens , which the mainstream media does not cover.
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Memory reading used to make food poisoning attempts in panaji, goa

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In a clear indication of how ruthless the 10 google, tata sponsored fraud raw/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree especially the indore document robber veena, deepika are in harming the google competitor, engineer whose resume they have stolen, since April 2018, the engineer has been subjected to food poisoning repeatedly
Like in the sheena bora murder case, the google competitor is put under surveillance, memory reading is used for food poisoning
Some of the food poisoning incidents
– the google competitor purchased some fish curry at an exhibition and was subjected to a very severe bout of food poisoning
– eating blueberries purchased from a lady in panaji market
– in a third incident, the food items which she wanted to purchase , were opened and closed again after allegedly adding a harmful subsstance, so after the food poisoning incidents, she did not purchase the food item

This indicates that memory reading is not for national security, only for food poisoning and causing health problems

Mental torture methods using voice to skull technology, memory reading

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After being harassed, mentally tortured for 7 years, reading the story of Harlan Girard in Washington Post again shows how regressive the indian media is, unwilling to tell the true news of the mental torture indian citizens are being subjected to in a scientific manner. Washington Post had carried a very detailed story on the voice to skull technology being used on some american citizens in 2007, and nearly a decade later , no indian news outlet had the courage or honesty to carry the true story of how some indian citizens are being mentally tortured using voice to skull technology
It correctly mentions that complaining to the police will not help as they will suggest a health checkup and only fellow citizens who are being tortured in a similar manner will provide some support.
It also indicated that those with some knowledge of electrical engineering will be able to figure out what is happening as the victims are repeatedly told to contact the electrical engineering department of the college where they are studying

Memory reading,maruti suzuki and mental harassment of google competitor

Memory reading and voice to skull technology used by sex, money bribe taking ntro employees to mentally torture harmless google competitor for more than 7 years
Though income tax returns will prove that google,tata supplied goan obc bhandari prostitute R&AW employee sunaia chodan 2013 bsc has never done any work online and never invested any money online, the google, tata employees who are her pimps supplying her to government employees for sex and the fraud NTRO, CBI employees enjoying the sex services of google,tata's sex worker sunaina, are shameless and ruthless in promoting the goan SEX worker as working very hard online, falsely claiming that panaji's VVIP sex worker owns the domains, paypal account of the google competitor to get the sex worker a monthly R&AW salary at the expense of the gogle competitor whose resume, savings these fraud NTRo employees have already stolen.
When she will read an article with maruti suzuki, they will steal her memory, and then are using software to repeat the word, to taunt her that they are giving sex worker sunaina, suz, credit and R&AW salary for work the sex worker R&AW employee sunaina, does not do, and defaming the google competitor as an idle person, though she is doing all the work spending her time. Maruti suzuki is the favorite word used by the sex worker sunaina pimps puneet, j srinivasan who are using voice to skull technology
When the broke google competitor and domain investor does a small amount of work online to pay the domain renewal expenses(for which the indian government is paying sex worker sunaina and others a salary), the prostitute, fraud pampering ntro employees j srinivasan, puneet, justify the theft of the savings of google competitor saying that she is offering a service and want to give their favorite sex worker credit.
In reality the money made by writing a few articles for review is less than Rs 15000 a year, the service tax limit is Rs 20 lakh annually and exporters do not have to pay service tax yet the fraud ntro employees are always looking for an excuse to pamper their favorite google, tata supplied sex worker R&AW employee sunaina , making up fake stories of tax evasion when actually no tax is being evaded.
the cowardly fraud ntro employees like j srinivasan, puneet do not have the honesty and courage to face their btech 1993 ee classmate whose resume they have stolen for google,tata supplied goan obc bhandari prostitute R&AW employee sunaia chodan,2013 bsc to get the sex worker a r&AW job with monthly salary

Memory reading and stalking to waste time of google competitor

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As indicated earlier top indian intelligence, NTRO and security agency employees BRIBED by google, tata with sex, money and jobs for their relatives like brahmin fraud nayanshree hathwar, goan gsb frauds riddhi nayak, siddhi mandrekar, obc bhandari sex worker sunaina , friends are intentionally defaming without any proof, cheating, exploiting, sexually harassing, stalking and stealing the memory of a harmless google competitor with a better 1989 jee rank than google ceo sundar pichai for more than 7 years since 2010, so that they can harass her further, waste her time.
Usually at the telecom center, there is almost no rush, however after stealing the memory of the google competitor, the officials freelancing for google, tata , intentionally sent their associates to the telecom center on September 25, 2017 and wasted more than 1 hour as the person ahead was facing some problem with the internet/mobile connection due to NTRO hacking, as part of the endless harassment of the google competitor.
Why is wasting the time of the google competitor a matter of national security, can the NTRO employees justify in an open debate.

NTRO employees steal memory of google competitor to enjoy FREE SEX with google tata supplied PROSTITUTE R&AW employees,get bribes

It is increasingly clear that the memory of a harmless google competitor with a better 1989 jee rank than google ceo sundar pichai has been stolen by NTRO employees without a legally valid reason by the fraud NTRO employees led by puneet, j srinivasan, parmar, patel so that these fraud NTRO employees can enjoy FREE SEX with google tata supplied PROSTITUTE R&AW employees slim goan obc bhandari slut sunain chodan 2013 bsc , goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar,get bribes from other fraud R&AW/CBI employees like indore document robbers veena, deepika, asmita patel, ruchika, eighth standard housewife naina and others \
After enjoying sex with the google, tata supplied PROSTITUTE RAW employees and getting bribes from other google, tata sponsored fraud R&AW/CBI employees, the fraud NTRO employees steal the memory of the google competitor without a court order and falsely claim that all those who offer SEX, money and other bribes have the resume including btech 1993 ee degree, investment and paypal account of the google competitor to get them a monthly indian government salary at the expense of the google competitor
The fact that fraud NTRO employees are getting BRIBES from 10 google, tata sponsored PROSTITUTE, FRAUD raw/cbi employees to steal memory and make fake claims can be easily proved checking the financial and other records of the 10 google, tata sponsored PROSTITUTE, FRAUD raw/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree, domain investment and paypal account.

Despite stealing memory for more than 7 years fraud R&AW/CBI employees cannot start their own online business

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Allegedly bribed by google, tata since 2010, the incompetent corrupt indian intelligence and security agencies have wasted crores of rupees of indian tax payer money to defame, cheat, exploit, stalk and torture a harmless google competitor, link seller, making it extremely difficult to lead a normal life . The japanese, chinese, indonesians, turkish took advantage of the atrocities of the indian intelligence and security agencies to replicate the google competitors business model, and in 2017 the indonesians and turkish are far ahead of the indian link seller in terms of revenues, domains, blogs

However the 10 lazy greedy google, tata sponsored goan sex worker, cheater housewife, and other fraud R&AW/CBI employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree who have stolen the memory of the link seller since 2010, are so mediocre and lacking initiative, that they cannot even start their own online business, opening their own paypal account, which is legally linked to their pan number.

When link sellers worldwide open their own online business investing their own time and money , why are the google, tata sponsored goan and other fraud R&AW/CBI employees unable to do so, why are they behaving like 420 frauds, involved in a FINANCIAL FRAUD, falsely claiming to own the paypal account, domains of the google competitor.

Memory theft causes another night of insomnia

Instead of investing their own money and time in starting their own online business which would make far more money, the cruel fraud ntro employees continue to steal the memory of a harmless google competitor, falsely claiming national security and human cloning.
When fraud ntro employees initiate memory reading, the domain investor who is fast asleep will wake up suddenly, with a creeping sensation on the head, as the brain cells are activated to steal their memory, as these fraud ntro employees try to cover up their resume theft fraud.
It will take at least an hour to regain the sleep that was disturbed
Insomnia due to memory theft was again experienced on 7 september 2017, late at night as ntro employees were stealing the memory of the google competitor to increase google, tata profits