CYBERCRIMINAL MEMORY ROBBER top indian government employees use ROBBED MEMORY of female college classmate to get FRAUD girlfriends, associates government jobs

Government openly rewards CYBERCRIME, MEMORY ROBBERY for 12 years paying MEMORY ROBBERS monthly government salaries for CYBERCRIME, FINANCIAL FRAUD
One of the reasons why so many people are loosing money to cybercrime, is because the indian government openly rewards cybercrime, financial fraud, MEMORY ROBBERY on hardworking domain investors paying monthly government salary to all the lazy greedy frauds who are faking domain ownership, online income
The MEMORY ROBBERY racket was allegedly started by the cruel cunning cheater brahmin government employees j srinivasan, puneet from the btech 1993 ee class of iit bombay., who HATED their female classmate ,so being shameles FRAUDS, these GREEDY CYBERCRIMINAL government employees falsely claimed that their classmate who they HATED,never contacted had agreed to MEMORY ROBBERY to ROB her MEMORY without her permission, without any kind of compensation at all
Initially the gullible single woman engineer kept quiet, yet after 7-8 years she realized that her fraud btech 1993 ee classmates all hated her and had no right to rob her memory, to get their lazy greedy girlfriends, associates government jobs, others told she was used as a honeypot
Yet, though the engineer, domain investor is wasting time daily protesting, showing the lack of corporate ethics, of tech, internet companies allegedly google, tata, who are the top supporters of CYBERCRIME, MEMORY ROBBERY , the government refuses to correct its records, and continues to dupe companies, countries and people worldwide
with fake stories about domain ownership

MEMORY ROBBER top government employees are the role models for CYBERCRIMINALS in india

In addition to being the role models for SEXTORTIONISTS all over india after circulating defamatory videos of a domain investor to get their girlfriends and associates who do not invest money in domains, lucrative raw/cbi jobs FAKING domain ownership, MEMORY ROBBER top government employees are the role models for CYBERCRIMINALS in india openly involved in india's greatest CYBERCRIME RACKET since 2010, to get their lazy greedy fraud girlfriends lucrative raw/cbi jobs faking a btech 1993 ee degree from iit bombay , domain ownership and online income.
Though the extremely CRUEL CUNNING CHEATER brahmin top government employee puneet who was called dev anand in college due to his excellent acting skills, was extremely convincing in FAKING help and his relationship with his btech 1993 ee classmate to falsely claim that the single woman engineer who he never contacted and HATED, had agreed to MEMORY ROBBERY, for last 6-7 years it is clear that cheater puneet HATED his classmate and has no legally valid reason to waste tax payer money monitoring her and ROBBING her MEMORY so that he can get monthly government salaries for all his lazy greedy fraud GIRLFRIENDS, SUGAR BABIES faking domain ownership, online income and btech 1993 ee degree
Yet instead of getting a court order to continue with the government CYBERCRIME on a harmless private citizen, single woman engineer,domain investor,top indian government employees have become the top CYBERCRIMINALS in the world, stealing the data of harmless hardworking citizens without a legally valid reason so that RAW/cbi can continue to make FAKE CLAIMS about their lazy greedy fraud cheater housewife, call girl, fraud employees who do no computer work, and pay them monthly government salaries at the expense of the real domain investor, online worker in a case of government SLAVERY
Since the government refuses to end the CYBERCRIME of its LIAR top employees, now cybercriminals are considering the CYBERCRIMINAL top government employees as their role models and following their footsteps in cheating indian citizens
The haryana gurgaon raw employee mba hr ruchita kinge who has worked in vinove, niit, deloitte, conduent, optum, indore robber housewife deepika/veena, greedy gujju stock trader amita patel, greedy goan bhandari scammer sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, are some of the top cybercriminals like other raw/cbi employees

Instead of monitoring CRUEL CUNNING FRAUD government employees from the btech 1993 ee class of iit bombay, government allowing them to ROB MEMORY of harmless single woman engineer

One of the reasons why cybercrime levels in india are increasing is because the indian government is wasting indian taxpayer money to reward cybercriminals, paying them a monthly government salary.
The goa 1989 jee topper, a single woman engineer has not violated any law while the government employees from the btech 1993 ee class of iit bombay, allegedly puneet, j srinivasan, tushar parekh, vijay, google employee prakash and others are openly involved in human rights abuses, sexual harassment, cybercrime, financial fraud, misusing the name of the single woman engineer who they HATE since 2010 to get their real girlfriends raw/cbi salaries with the stolen data
Instead of monitoring CRUEL CUNNING FRAUD government employees for abusing their powers, wasting taxpayer money, cybercrime, government allowing them to ROB MEMORY of harmless single woman engineer since 2010, without a legally valid reason, without a court order, in a clear case of HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES.