Google gets R&AW/CBI jobs for frauds, sex workers for stealing competitors memory

In India google has allegedly forcibly made a harmless google competitor in India to become a SLAVE working for FREE to increase google profit since 2010 having the shameless fraud sex maniac ntro employees led by j srinivasan, puneet, vijay, hathwar, kodancha to stalk and steal the memory of the domain investor with the most high tech equipment available without her permission or offering any kind of compensation.
dAs reward for making a harmless google competitor work as a SLAVE since 2010 to increase google profit, google has got all the lazy greedy relatives, friends and SEX partners of these section 420 fraud NTRO employees lucrative R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence jobs with fake resume, fake investment, fake work.
The pakistan army accusing jadhav is following the footsteps of google, tata, ntro, cbi when they falsely claim that goan SEX workers, sunaina, siddhi, cheater housewives like nayanshree, veena, riddhi , naina, asmita patel and other frauds are domain investors, online experts when these fraud companies and organizations cannot provide any kind of evidence that these women are investing any money online in domain names or are making any money online .
Yet this tata masterminded fraud has continued since 2010, and no one has questioned the complete lies of google, tata employees who are shamelessly promoting india's vvip goan obc bhandari fraud sunaina,SEX worker as an online expert and domain investor

Memory reading used to fund car for goan gsb fraud R&AW employee siddhi

The cunning fraud pathological liar security, ntro officials have put a harmless single woman obc engineer and domain investor under surveillance for more than 6 years , falsely claiming national security, when actually it allows them to operate a very lucrative extortion racket, generating a huge amount of black money. They are using memory reading on the domain investor making 100% fake claims that it is required for national security when they actually want to extort the maximum amount of money from the harmless engineer , to cause more financial losses.
For example when the engineer will purchase cloth material costing Rs 100, they will ask the shopkeeper to charge the domain investor Rs 150 per meter and the rest of the money will go to the goan gsb fraud siddhi and her associates. Over a period of more than 3 years, goan gsb fraud siddhi has accumulated a lot of black money with the help of her boyfriends, sex partners and relatives, which she is using to purchase a new car

When will the Indian security agencies be honest that they are labelling harmless indian citizens as a security threat without any proof, only because they want to extort money to purchase new cars and other luxuries for their friends, relatives and sex partners like goan R&AW employee siddhi

Microwave burns used by criminal SEX animal ntro employees to destroy memory of google competitor

One of the dirty and criminal secrets of ntro, security agencies in goa is that they are intentionally using microwave radiation weapons to cause microwave burns, destroy the cells in the brain of the harmless google competitor with a better 1989 jee rank than google ceo sundar pichai, to cause losses, destroy her memory, reduce productivity.
Google, tata have allegedly bribed the criminal ntro, security agencies in goa and elsewhere with cash, sex and jobs for their mediocre relatives, friends with fake resume, fake investment, fake work, to abuse their powers, stalk and destroy the memory of the harmless google competitor, domain investor and experienced engineer
Now when the google competitor is talking of how google, tata are intentionally and criminally using microwave burns to destroy her memory, cause great pain so that she does not work during the day, the criminal ntro, security agency employees are getting extremely upset that their criminal torture of a harmless citizen is getting exposed. On the "beermoneyforum" the admin became hyper and sent the torture victim a message that the post on microwave burns was "shit", deleted the post immediately.
When a crime of causing microwave burns to destroy memory of a harmless citizen, google competitor has been committed since 2010 by the criminal ntro, google , tata employees why are the criminal ntro, security agencies trying to cover up, instead of compensating their victim for the great losses.

Erasing the memory for identity theft

One of the little known cruel experiments of the sex animal ntro employees is how they are extremely ruthless in trying to erase the memory of the harmless indian citizen, who they have targetted for identity theft. The ntro employees are using the most sophisticated methods available to locate their victim , and targetting the person with high power radiation beams to cause great pain due to microwave burns.
The brain cells of the identity theft victim are damaged, causing great pain and destroying the memory of the person. The short term memory of the person is affected and he or she does not remember any incident which has taken place in the last few hours, and in many cases, the long term memory of the victim is also effected.

So any person who is suddenly suffering from headache and memory loss, should be aware of the fact that he or she may be intentionally targetted by the local intelligence and security agency, ntro employees

Cruel jealous NTRO employees steal memory of their female engineering classmate

judi gaple

In a clear indication of state funded sexual harassment exploitation of single woman engineers in india, the cruel fraud ntro employees led by j srinivasan, puneet and vijay have been stealing the memory of their harmless female engineering btech 1993 ee classmate without her permission or offering any kind of compensation for more than 7 years since 2010.
Just because a single woman engineer is very hardworking and has invested a large amount in domain names the cruel fraud indian intelligence employees think that it is their birthright to steal her memory, deny her the right to privacy , to earn a fair living
It is sexual harassment of the worst kind, why are male ntro employees getting a monthly indian government salary , allowed to steal the memory of their classmate without any compensation.
When almost no other indian woman is targetted for memory theft by ntro, why is the domain investor, engineer alone targetted for memory reading, which is causing her very great financial losses

Radiation attack to cause memory loss

When google, tata want google competitors to suffer a financial loss, they are increasingly using high power radiation weapons to allegedly attack the google competitor, cause memory loss , headache, Google, tata, the freelancer ntro employees recruited by these companies are aware of the fact that the radiation will cause microwave burns to the harmless google competitor in her house or elsewhere so they are always looking for an opportunity to attack her and cause very great pain
On 19 March 2017, the freelancer ntro employees again attacked the google competitor when she made the mistake of sitting at a particular place, causing great pain. However the damage to the brain was even greater as the domain investor could not think clearly for 12 hours after the radiation attack in panaji, goa

Google, tata, NTRO involved in memory theft worth more than Rs 5 crores since 2010

Along with tata, the sundar pichai led Google is involved involved in theft of memory, resume, savings of a harmless competitor worth more Rs 5 crore with the help of fraud NTRO employees faking help . The google competitor competing with google adwords , who is india's largest female domain investor had a better 1989 jee rank than google ceo sundar pichai, yet because of the fraud ntro employees j srinivasan, puneet, vijay parmar, patel, who are faking help, friendship she has been subjected to memory, savings, correspondence and resume theft without a legally valid reason, causing great financial losses as she is forced to work as a slave without making any more

India has a population of more than 1.3 billion, and almost no indian citizen is subjected to memory, savings, correspondence and resume theft without a legally valid reason, other than the google competitor because the fraud ntro employees led by puneet are faking help and friendship for her, when they actually HATE HER and companies like google,tata wish to acquire talent and technology cheaply, without spending money on salaries, research

The google competitor has invested crores of rupees in domain names, webhosting and other IT products , yet google, tata have brutally exploited her to supply goan call girl R&AW employee slim goan bhandari sex worker sunaina chodan 2013 bsc, goan gsb fraud siddhi mandrekar to top government employees for SEX, get bribes from frauds like indore crook veena and R&AW/cbi jobs for relatives like nayanshree hathwar, riddhi nayak of top indian government employees with the stolen resume, savings of the google competitor . These companies are not spending any money on research, yet getting free access to all the research of a person who has spent crores of her hard earned money for research

SEX maniac fraud NTRO employees steal memory to enjoy FREE SEX, get salaries for their lazy fraud relatives, friends

Now it is increasingly clear that NTRO employees are not stealing the memory of a harmless single woman engineer for any national security purposes, the SEX maniac fraud NTRO employees steal memory of an engineer to enjoy FREE SEX, get monthly indian government salaries for their mediocre lazy google, tata sponsored fraud relatives, friends in indian intelligence.
NTRO employees know that their google, tata sponsored goan sex partners, cheater housewife and other fraud relatives and friends in R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence agencies are not doing any kind of online work at all, and are not investing any money online at all. However as part of the fraud allegedly masterminded by google, tata , these cunning fraud ntro employees are stealing the memory of a domain investor, google competitor, and then falsely claiming that their sex partners, relatives, friends, frauds are doing the work, investing money to get all these frauds a monthly indian government salary
It is a clear case of abuse of power, corruption, and these ntro employees are no different from the fraudsters who are impersonating RBI employees to loot indian citizens like the Kavlem, Ponda priest Vinayak Pendse of their hard earned money

Why is hypocrite fraud indian government not reading memory of R&AW employee indore housewife veena

The hypocrite fraud corrupt cruel indian government is wasting indian tax payer money paying a monthly salary to the google, tata sponsored fraud R&AW employee bespectacled housewife veena , because the section 420 fraud corrupt LIAR ntro, cbi, security agency employees are falsely claiming that the indore housewife who never answered JEE has a btech 1993 ee degree , owns domain names and is an online expertd5r
However in india section 420 fraud corrupt LIAR ntro, cbi,raw security agency employees are like call girls purchased by companies allegedly google, tata. So though it can be easily proved that the google, tata sponsored R&AW employee bespectacled indore housewife veena has never purchased a single domain in her life and has never invested any money online in her life, does not have a paydtdtsince tata, google have purchased indian government employees with the morals of prostitute, they continue to repeat their lies like parrots for 7 years since 2010 so that the indore housewife veena gets a monthly R&AW salary for making fake claims

If the R&AW employee indore housewife veena, a cunning fraud, is actually an online expert,domain investor why is the indian government not reading her memory?why is the indian government wasting indian tax payer money TO FREELANCE FOR GOOGLE, TATA, stealing the memory of a private citizen, and then falsely claim that google, tata sponsored prostitutes, cheater indian government employees are doing all the work online

NTRO gifting stolen memory of indian citizens to google, tata, unfair trade practice

Like all large companies, whatever google, tata employees are doing in their office remains confidential and if any other company or individual will try to access the information, these companies will immediately file a lawsuit to end the theft of the trade secrets.
However in India, harmless paypal account holders find that powerful ntro employees are stalking them and stealing their memory without their permission or offering any compensation, falsely claiming national security matters. Then these cunning NTRO employees are gifting the stolen memory of a small business owner to large corporates, allegedly google, tata who are too miserly and too greedy to invest their time and money in doing research or hiring some experienced engineers
It is an unfair practice and abuse of power of NTRO employees when they share the stolen memory of harmless indian citizens with large corporates, their business rivals, it is same as stealing a physical asset
When NTRO employees are not stealing the memory of google, tata employees, why are they stealing the memory of google competitors, wasting indian tax payer money? Is the indian government going to officially declare that NTRO employees are allowed to freelance for large companies like google, tata misusing the expensive equipment purchased with indian tax payer money.

Please note that no R&AW/CBI/indian government employee is associated with this website in any way.